Brief History

Section 7 - SOLITON Software (R)

Commercial software developed by PANGARO Incorporated is marketed under the name SOLITON Software. The soliton impulse is a metaphor for the exchange of ideas in a conversation where the information is preserved. The transfer of ideas between individuals in a conversation consists of tokens of language (whether speech, words on a page, or movement). If successful, this transfer of tokens substantially preserves the original meaning. That meaning also contains the influence of the originator, and hence some individuality and distinctiveness of the person are transferred. The common theme of all products bearing the name SOLITON Software is the preservation of meaning and individuality across the interaction of human and machine.

Expert Typing Tutor

The first product of SOLITON Software is a typing tutor called S.A.K.I (Self Adaptive Keyboard Instructor). It is marketed in Great Britain where it has sold successfully as an expert typing tutor for the office market, to such customers as British Telecom, British Airways and the Post Office. Based on the original patented system invented by Dr Gordon Pask in 1956, the software program embodies a concept of expert typing that it constantly compares to the present skill of the learner. The student is continuously monitored and the results are used to generate successive exercises that match the student's needs. For example, if good performance is achieved the exercise is made more difficult; if the student begins to fail, the task is simplified. At all times S.A.K.I is tuning its choices to maximize the rate of skill acquisition, and the skill is acquired without the repetition of exercises that are unnecessary to a particular individual. This makes the system suitable for both beginners and experienced typists. S.A.K.I provides current and cumulative records of the learner's progress, including words per minute and errors per minute. It is designed for classroom training as well as for individuals learning alone. S.A.K.I runs on the IBM-PC and compatibles.

Organizational Modelling

PANGARO Incorporated has developed a robust technique for modeling organizations of any type. The technique can be applied "manually" with the aid of a live facilitator, or by using a software implementation (now in prototype form). With it, the goals and activities of an organization can be articulated, modeled and managed in a manner that is coherent, consistent and efficient. The resulting models are accessible for revision by the participants, and accessible for review to interested parties both internal and external to the organization. This technique has been used successfully in various applications for Du Pont: Organizational Modeling is also being used in projects for other clients on an evaluation basis.

The value of the technique can only be known by experiencing its application in a specific case; however the following description is offered as an overview. In brief, Organizational Modeling:
Section 8 - Principals

PANGARO Incorporated History - Table of Contents