Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) ToolGhost.GIF (662bytes)

Set as Preferred (Content Provider List Dialog)
Stores the Content Provider selected in the list as the Preferred Content Provider.

This button also changes the Icon for the Go to Content Provider Button on the ToolBar to indicate your new preferred Content Provider.

See Preferred Content Provider for further instructions on changing your preference.

prevghos.gif (430bytes) nextghos.gif (430bytes) ../hgifs/spac3030.gif (70bytes)

Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) Space-30x30.gif (70bytes)
Content Provider List Dialog
Delete (Content Provider List Dialog)
Done (Content Provider List Dialog)
Edit (Content Provider List Dialog)
Go to (Content Provider List Dialog)
Move (Content Provider List Dialog)
New (Content Provider List Dialog)
New Copy (Content Provider List Dialog)

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