Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) ToolGhost.GIF (662bytes)

Move (Search Engine List Dialog)
Allows rearrangement of the order of the list of Search Engines.

  1. Click on the Search Engine that you wish to move up or down in the list
  2. Click on the Up or Down button until the position is correct

prevghos.gif (430bytes) nextghos.gif (430bytes) ../hgifs/spac3030.gif (70bytes)

Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) Space-30x30.gif (70bytes)
Delete (Search Engine List Dialog)
Done (Search Engine List Dialog)
Edit (Search Engine List Dialog)
Go to (Search Engine List Dialog)
New (Search Engine List Dialog)
New Copy (Search Engine List Dialog)
Search Engine List Dialog
Set as Preferred (Search Engine List Dialog)

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