Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) ToolGhost.GIF (662bytes)

New Copy (Content Provider List Dialog)
Uses an existing Content Provider as the basis for a new Content Provider definition. From the list at the bottom of the page, click on a topic to get more details.

prevghos.gif (430bytes) nextghos.gif (430bytes) ../hgifs/spac3030.gif (70bytes)

Space-30x30.gif (70bytes) Space-30x30.gif (70bytes)
Content Provider List Dialog
Delete (Content Provider List Dialog)
Done (Content Provider List Dialog)
Edit (Content Provider List Dialog)
Edit Content Provider Dialog
Edit Search Engine Dialog
Go to (Content Provider List Dialog)
Icon Selection
Move (Content Provider List Dialog)
New (Content Provider List Dialog)
New Content Provider Dialog
New Copy (Search Engine List Dialog)
New Search Engine Dialog
Set as Preferred (Content Provider List Dialog)

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